" Biometric Credit Cards Are Already Here -- But Do You Actually Want One? "
Would you use a biometric fingerprint scanner on your credit card?
As the story goes, Frank McNamara used the first "modern" credit card in 1950 after forgetting his wallet one too many times. Instead, he decided to pay for his meals with a small cardboard card -- the Diners Club Card -- and then pay off the balance at the end of the month.
McNamara probably didn't give much thought to security back then, considering he held one of three credit cards in existence. Credit card fraud likely wasn't even a budding idea in thieves' minds.
Fast-forward 70 years and now more than 190 million adults in the US have a credit card in their name, according to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's 2023 credit card report.
What once started as a simple piece of cardboard has evolved into a plastic or metal card -- or just a virtual version of a card. As credit card fraud and theft increased, safety features evolved from simple signatures on a receipt to embedding cards with microchips and countless unseen artificial intelligence and machine-learning protections.
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Most people like myself are not sure about this at all. I do not like anything like that.