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How Polas.us CUSTOM DESIGN Website works (How it Works)
PLEASE NOTE: All communication at our Website MUST be in English only.

The General Basis Informtion is as follows:
As a Visitor to our Website and before you become a Member, you will first need to read and agree to our Website TERMS, POLICIES, and our RULES.

Then you will need to Register to join our Website by correctly completing the Registration Form Information. Then you will need to confirm your Email Address. After that, you will be able to Log-In to our Members Area to access and see all the relevant Information for our Registered Members.

You can then access and play/participate in the available Quiz. Free Members will have limited access to Quiz. Our Pro Paid Contributor Members will have unlimited access to all our Quiz.

From playing the Quiz, you can earn "Achievements" Points from your correct answers.

Achievements Levels - All Categories
Basic Achievement - 100 points earned from correct answers to quiz questions.
Advanced Achievement - 500 points earned from correct answers to quiz questions.
Top Achievement - 1,000 points earned from correct answers to quiz questions.

PLEASE NOTE: When playing/participating in a Quiz, if you do not know the answer, wait until the Quiz Timer (15-20 seconds per Quiz Question) is ended, then you will see the correct answer Information. If you try to answer and your answer is incorrect, you will see the correct answer highlited in "green color."

You can accummulate Achievements Points as you play as many Quiz as are available to you.

Quiz Questions and Answers: The Quiz Questions and Answers are only for participation purpose at our Site. They are not necessarily scientific in the professional manner of speaking. The Questions may come from Specilized Websites that do offer Scientific Information (such as Research on Health and Wellness). But they are usually base on General Experience and Information received from others. The correct given Answers to for each Quiz Question by our Website Admins is also base on the above principle plus personal experience (such as on Money/Consumers Issues and Religious Faith Issues). All Members (even if they disagree with our Answers to each Quiz Question) must accept the answers as final. It's a Quiz not an Official Educational Examination.

At our Website Owners/Admins Discretion, we will, when appropriate, offer Cash Bonus Prizes to our Monthly Top three (3) Achievers - offered to our Pro Members only. For example, first place prize will be US$7.00, the second place prize will be US$5.00 and the third place prize will be US$3.00 - added to the Member Account as "Admin Cash Bonus." Payment via PayPal only will be made on request from a winning Member to our Admin via Contact Form. But that will only be approved and done when a Member has won US$10.00 or more as the limit to request payment. So a winning Member MUST have a PayPal Account to receive Payment.

We also Offer Special Discussions via Text Chat courtesy of Gmail Text Chat. Therefore, a Member MUST have a Gmail Email to access this Special Offer. See our Members Special Information page for more Information and Details about how that will work.

Polas.us also offers 468x60 size Banner (page top and bottom displays via rotation) Advertising to our Members and Website Visitors. See our Banners and Links Ads page for details.


Copyright 2024 and Beyond. All Rights Reserved. Polas.us - Private Online Learning Access Site from Philadelphia PA, U.S.A.
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